50 ML 1,7 FL.OZ.
Pepper - Spices - Sandalwood
Sun Rays shining through coloured glas ceiling. A scent like a glowing body of light…
LIGHTFALLS Eau de Parfum is woody, fizzy and peppery like the feeling of shimmering sunlight on the skin. Its a colour palette full of joy with spicy, tingly chords of various kinds of pepper and grapefruit in the top, an aromatic heart of saffron and vetiver, rundet off by a warm base of sandal wood and woody-ambery chords.
»Es gibt einen neuen Duft aus dem Hause Atelier Oblique und ich bin schockverliebt in die olfaktorische Leuchtkraft dieses so besonderen und positiven Duftes!«
by Martin Schmieder via Instagram
»Lightfalls is a bright spiced sandalwood viewed through a looking glas of transparency. Sparkles of pink and timur pepper vibrate with sunshine, a canopy of green leaves casting their flittering shadows throughout the heart of the perfume.
A waterfall of lights ranging from fruity bursts of resplendence, to warm woody rays of light bursting through the incredibly fresh and green rain forest. Nominated for Best Perfume in the Independent Category at the @artandolfaction awards 2022.«
by artistscent via Instagram
»New Summer scent obsession.«
by Marc Ritz via Instagram
»Leuchtend, wie die Sonne selbst: Die Duftkomposition von „Lightfalls“ lässt sich am besten von holzig warm bis fruchtig frisch umschreiben. In der Kopfnote des Parfums dominieren pfeffrig-spritzige Akkorde aus verschiedenen Pfeffersorten und Grapefruit - sie erinnern an das Gefühl von flirrendem Sonnenlicht auf der Haut. Safran und Vetiver zeigen sich im Herzen des Parfums. Die Basisnoten aus Sandelholz, Rosenöl und einem Amberakkord runden das holzig-süße Duftbild ab. Die Kreation ist dem Licht und all seinen Facetten gewidmet – prickelnd, tief, gleichzeitig frisch und erhellend.«
by ELLE.de, Germany
»Un’eau de parfum fruttata di buon auspicio. La sua composizione ricorda una tavolozza di colori che risplende di note legnose, di accordi speziati e frizzanti di vari tipi di pepe e pompelmo, con un cuore di zafferano speziato e l’aromatico vetiver, noto anche come l’olio della tranquillità. Il legno di sandalo, l'olio resinoso di cisto e l’ambra legnosa lasciano una scia balsamica e secca.«
by VOGUE.it, Italy
Did you know?
∙ All Atelier Oblique perfumes are unisex
∙ Our perfumes are composed in France and produced in Germany
∙ We only use organic alcohol for our small batch productions
∙ Our perfumes are cruelty free, vegan and clean
∙ Our unique packaging is wrapped in compostable cellophane
∙ All our fragrances are devised according to a long-standing tradition
∙ All ingredients are chosen carefully and in line with the highest standards of quality
∙ With every purchase we plant a tree
Find out more about Atelier Oblique
Timur Berry, Grapefruit, Pink Peppercorn
Saffron, Vetiver
Sandalwood, Woody Ambery, Cistus
Category: ###Eau de Parfum***woody
Scent: ###Pepper – Spices – Sandalwood
Mass: ###50 ML 1,7 FL.OZ.
Timur Berry, Grapefruit, Pink Peppercorn
Saffron, Vetiver
Sandalwood, Woody Ambery, Cistus
Pepper - Spices - Sandalwood
Sun Rays shining through coloured glas ceiling. A scent like a glowing body of light…
LIGHTFALLS Eau de Parfum is woody, fizzy and peppery like the feeling of shimmering sunlight on the skin. Its a colour palette full of joy with spicy, tingly chords of various kinds of pepper and grapefruit in the top, an aromatic heart of saffron and vetiver, rundet off by a warm base of sandal wood and woody-ambery chords.
»Es gibt einen neuen Duft aus dem Hause Atelier Oblique und ich bin schockverliebt in die olfaktorische Leuchtkraft dieses so besonderen und positiven Duftes!«
by Martin Schmieder via Instagram
»Lightfalls is a bright spiced sandalwood viewed through a looking glas of transparency. Sparkles of pink and timur pepper vibrate with sunshine, a canopy of green leaves casting their flittering shadows throughout the heart of the perfume.
A waterfall of lights ranging from fruity bursts of resplendence, to warm woody rays of light bursting through the incredibly fresh and green rain forest. Nominated for Best Perfume in the Independent Category at the @artandolfaction awards 2022.«
by artistscent via Instagram
»New Summer scent obsession.«
by Marc Ritz via Instagram
»Leuchtend, wie die Sonne selbst: Die Duftkomposition von „Lightfalls“ lässt sich am besten von holzig warm bis fruchtig frisch umschreiben. In der Kopfnote des Parfums dominieren pfeffrig-spritzige Akkorde aus verschiedenen Pfeffersorten und Grapefruit - sie erinnern an das Gefühl von flirrendem Sonnenlicht auf der Haut. Safran und Vetiver zeigen sich im Herzen des Parfums. Die Basisnoten aus Sandelholz, Rosenöl und einem Amberakkord runden das holzig-süße Duftbild ab. Die Kreation ist dem Licht und all seinen Facetten gewidmet – prickelnd, tief, gleichzeitig frisch und erhellend.«
by ELLE.de, Germany
»Un’eau de parfum fruttata di buon auspicio. La sua composizione ricorda una tavolozza di colori che risplende di note legnose, di accordi speziati e frizzanti di vari tipi di pepe e pompelmo, con un cuore di zafferano speziato e l’aromatico vetiver, noto anche come l’olio della tranquillità. Il legno di sandalo, l'olio resinoso di cisto e l’ambra legnosa lasciano una scia balsamica e secca.«
by VOGUE.it, Italy
Did you know?
∙ All Atelier Oblique perfumes are unisex
∙ Our perfumes are composed in France and produced in Germany
∙ We only use organic alcohol for our small batch productions
∙ Our perfumes are cruelty free, vegan and clean
∙ Our unique packaging is wrapped in compostable cellophane
∙ All our fragrances are devised according to a long-standing tradition
∙ All ingredients are chosen carefully and in line with the highest standards of quality
∙ With every purchase we plant a tree
Find out more about Atelier Oblique